Choosing Your Course

What Level Should You Study?

We know that making a decision about what level (Skill Stage) to study can be difficult. When studying a comprehensive distance learning course like ours, it’s not just about how may years experience you’ve got. You also need to factor in what your digital skills are like, how much you read about your subject and whether you have done any kind of formal studying before? 

To help, we’ve designed a short quiz! Answer the questions below for your own personalised recommendation about which level to study. 

Take Our Quiz to Find Out What Level You Should Study

This quiz has been designed to help you determine what Skill Stage (level) you should study. The quiz will ask you about previous experience, your goals, and digital skills to determine the right study level for you. It should only take a few minutes!

Textile Inspiration

If you need some inspiration from other artists in the textiles community, read through our content below, including stories from the likes of Cassandra Dias, Michele Carragher and more.

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