for Textile Artists
A beginner's Guide to Goldwork Embroidery

Goldwork Embroidery: A Beginner’s Guide

Gold has long been a symbol of status and power. Throughout history emperors, royalty, and religious leaders would wear opulent garments adorned with gold – Goldwork Embroidery. The work would have been carried out using the most expensive materials by highly skilled craftspeople. Today, Goldwork is a lot more accessible

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Graduate story: Christa Huelsmann, Hand Embroidery Skill Stage 2

Graduate Story: Christa Huelsmann Hand Embroidery

Christa Huelsmann has just completed our Hand Embroidery Skill Stage 2 course. Today she shares her experience of studying with us. Like so many Christa had lost her enthusiasm for hand embroidery because she simply didn’t have the support and resources to advance. she told us that she studies with

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Ailsa Hall Graduate Story Textiles Skill stage 3

Graduate Story: Ailsa Hall – Textiles

Ailsa Hall enrolled onto our Textiles Skill Stage 3 course in May 2020 and has recently completed and achieved her City and Guilds accreditation. Ailsa has been kind enough to share her experience of studying with us. This is her Textiles stitch journey. Don’t forget to take a look at other Graduate Stories

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Patchwork & Quilting Graduate Story by Hazel Winfield

Graduate Story: Hazel Winfield – Patchwork

Hazel Winfield completed our Skill Stage 4 Patchwork and Quilting Course last year. Although she had quite a lot of patchwork experience she was desperate to learn how to create her own designs. She talks to us today about her own Stitch Journey; of finding the right course and being able to

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A Graduate Story by Beth Rhodes, Hand Embroidery Graduate

Beth Rhodes: Graduate Story – Hand Embroidery

Beth Rhodes recently completed our Skill Stage 2 Hand Embroidery Course. After completing her course Beth tells us that she is opening a new businesses and working on commissions. She explains how the course has helped her discover more about herself as an artist and it’s given her the confidence

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Knitting graduate, Susan Rorison

Graduate Story: Susan Rorison – Knitting

Susan Rorison enrolled onto our Skill Stage 2 Knitting course just before the first lockdown. Today, she shares her experience of studying with us, learning new digital skills and her ambition to pass on traditional crafts and creativity to the younger generation. Susan Rorison My mother taught me a lot of different

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Stitch Journey by Sally-Ann-Duffy, Hand Embroidery graduate

Graduate Story: Sally-Ann Duffy – Hand Embroidery

When Sally-Ann Duffy applied for one of our bursaries in 2018 – now called the Joan Harrison Creative Bursary – she never expected to win. Sally-Ann excelled through her Hand Embroidery course and was recently selected by her tutor to feature in our Student Excellence Awards Exhibition in recognition of her progress and creativity.

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A Graduate Story by Ann Holliday, Textiles course graduate

Graduate Story: Ann Holliday – Textiles

Ann Holliday is our next graduate to talk to us about her course. Ann completed our Textiles Skill Stage 2 course earlier this year. She enrolled onto the course out of a desire to feed her creative soul. She wanted to stretch her knowledge and ultimately become more creative. This

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Sew be it! What is the School of Stitched Textiles

Sew Be It! What is the School of Stitched Textiles

We were recently approached by a student from Dartford Grammar School for Girls, asking for an interview. Not normally one for giving interviews we were admittedly hesitant at first. However,  Neve Wilson had entered a competition with Young Reporters and won! Her prize was to interview our Head of Centre,

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A creative journey by Helen Plummer - Machine Embroidery graduate

Graduate Story: Helen Plummer – Machine Embroidery

Helen Plummer recently completed our Skill Stage 3 Machine Embroidery course and joins us today to share her experience. Helen was initially looking for a distraction and a new focus. However, after a few modules on our course, she found that her ‘latent artistic side’ was finally able to burst into full

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